What is a Master Key System?
If you hate feeling like the Prison Warden with a huge key ring filled with keys but you still want to restrict access to various parts of your building or complex, then you need a Northside Locksmiths Master Key System.
The term Master Keying refers to a system of keying that enables keys to operate some locks, but not others, within a building/complex.
The example in Diagram 1 shows a simple master key system consisting of a Master Key and 3-Individual Keys.

The Manager, who has the master key, needs access to all three meeting rooms. Other staff are issued one of three individual keys depending on their area of employment, namely Sales, Accounts and Marketing.
The rooms each staff member can access, depends on the key they have been issued. Normally each staff member would have access to a common door, such as the main front door (not shown in Diagram 1).